Shot Boot Three

Poster for the movie "Shot Boot Three"

Shot Boot Three

A new pet friend, Max enters the lives of four kids, Kailash, Pallavi, Ballu and Ramana, who grow up in and around a sprawling and ‘prestigious’ apartment. When Max goes missing the four children join hands to search for Max and bring him back home.

Poster for the movie "96"


Ram is a photographer and nature lover who travels all around India capturing moments. On a chance visit to his hometown Tanjavur, he goes into his school and begins to walk down memory lane to 1994 when he was a student harboring feelings for his classmate Janu.

Poster for the movie "Are You Ok Baby?"

Are You Ok Baby?

A heart-wrenching tale of adoption unfolds, pitting adoptive parents against the biological mother. Media intervention escalates the issue to legal consequences and emotional turmoil, finally leading to a gripping courtroom climax.