

Poster for the movie "Ghosty"

Ghosty (2023)

UA 134 min - Comedy, Horror - 17 March 2023
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An inspector embarks on a mission to track down a gangster who was once in her father's custody several decades ago. However, her quest leads to a string of absurd events that not only jeopardise her mission but also put her life in danger.

Director:  Kalyaan
Writers:  Kalyaan


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An inspector embarks on a mission to track down a gangster who was once in her father's custody several decades ago. However, her quest leads to a string of absurd events that not only jeopardise her mission but also put her life in danger.

Collections: Kalyaan

Tagline: Alliance with Ghost

Genres: Comedy, Horror


Official Website: 
Country:   India
Language:  Tamil
Release Date:  17 March 2023

Box Office

Company Credits

Production Companies:  Seed Pictures

Technical Specs

Runtime:  2 h 14 min
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