

Iraivan (2023)

UA 152 min - Thriller - 28 September 2023
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Arjun, a tough cop along with his friend Andrew embark on a mission to track down a truly gruesome psychopathic killer called Bhramma a.k.a The Smiley Man. They eventually manage to apprehend Bhramma at the cost of losing Andrew makes Arjun resign from the police force. However, tragedy hits home when Bhramma escapes from prison and resumes his killing spree.

Director:  I. Mueenuddin Ahmed
Writers:  I. Mueenuddin Ahmed


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Arjun, a tough cop along with his friend Andrew embark on a mission to track down a truly gruesome psychopathic killer called Bhramma a.k.a The Smiley Man. They eventually manage to apprehend Bhramma at the cost of losing Andrew makes Arjun resign from the police force. However, tragedy hits home when Bhramma escapes from prison and resumes his killing spree.

Collections: I. Mueenuddin Ahmed

Genres: Thriller


Official Website: 
Country:   India
Language:  Tamil
Release Date:  28 September 2023

Box Office

Company Credits

Production Companies:  Passion Studios

Technical Specs

Runtime:  2 h 32 min
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