
Oongi Adicha Ondra Ton Weightu Da

Poster for the movie "Oongi Adicha Ondra Ton Weightu Da"

Oongi Adicha Ondra Ton Weightu Da (2023)

Crime, Drama - 25 August 2023
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The nimalan who is arrested by police for serial killing, he disagrees that he never committed any crime. The story unfolds the crimes happened in the city, who is the real killer? Why he does?

Director:  Siva G
Stars:  Siva G, Himasree


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The nimalan who is arrested by police for serial killing, he disagrees that he never committed any crime. The story unfolds the crimes happened in the city, who is the real killer? Why he does?

Collections: Siva G

Genres: Crime, Drama


Official Website: 
Country:   India
Language:  Tamil
Release Date:  25 August 2023

Box Office

Company Credits

Production Companies:  Arthanareeswara media works (IN)

Technical Specs

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