
Baba Black Sheep

Poster for the movie "Baba Black Sheep"

Baba Black Sheep (2023)

119 min - Comedy, Drama - 14 July 2023
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Two rival school gangs come under the same management and are forced to co-exist, leading to several changes in their lives. As things progress, the students not only become close to each other but also teach the value of life, literally.

Director:  Rajmohan Arumugam
Writers:  Rajmohan Arumugam


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Two rival school gangs come under the same management and are forced to co-exist, leading to several changes in their lives. As things progress, the students not only become close to each other but also teach the value of life, literally.

Collections: Rajmohan Arumugam

Genres: Comedy, Drama


Official Website: 
Country:   India
Language:  Tamil
Release Date:  14 July 2023

Box Office

Company Credits

Production Companies:  Romeo Pictures

Technical Specs

Runtime:  1 h 59 min
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