

Poster for the movie "Kolai"

Kolai (2023)

UA 129 min - Crime, Thriller, Mystery - 21 July 2023
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When a famous model gets killed, a smart detective comes to investigate when he realizes this incident calls him to a mystery.

Director:  Balaji K. Kumar


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When a famous model gets killed, a smart detective comes to investigate when he realizes this incident calls him to a mystery.

Tagline: Who Killed Leila?

Genres: Crime, Thriller, Mystery


Official Website: 
Country:   India
Language:  Tamil
Release Date:  21 July 2023

Box Office

Company Credits

Production Companies:  Infiniti Film Ventures, Lotus Pictures

Technical Specs

Runtime:  2 h 09 min
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Kolai Movie Review

Kolai Movie – Style Trumps Substance in This Locked-Room Mystery

Kolai, a visually captivating locked-room murder mystery inspired by the real-life 1923 Dot King murder, falls short of expectations with a rating of 2.8/5. Despite its stylish cinematography, the film prioritizes aesthetics over a compelling storyline, leaving viewers wanting more. The lack of depth in characters and plot results in a missed opportunity to explore the intriguing true crime narrative, making Kolai an unfulfilling experience for mystery enthusiasts.

  1. Stylish Yet Lackluster: Kolai prioritizes visual aesthetics over a compelling storyline, favoring style over substance.
  2. True Crime Inspiration: The film is based on the real-life 1923 murder of Dot King, providing a foundation for its locked-room mystery.
  3. Rating: Kolai receives a 2.8/5 rating, indicating a below-average performance in the eyes of the reviewer.
  4. Lack of Intrigue: Despite its real-life inspiration, the movie struggles to maintain audience interest, lacking the necessary suspense and intrigue for a successful murder mystery.
  5. One-Dimensional Characters: The characters in Kolai feel flat and one-dimensional, contributing to the film’s overall lack of depth.
  6. Missed Opportunities: The movie starts promisingly but fails to capitalize on the true crime story’s potential, resulting in a missed opportunity to explore the complexities of the Dot King murder.
  7. Unfulfilling Experience: Kolai is ultimately deemed an unfulfilling experience for mystery enthusiasts due to its focus on style at the expense of a compelling narrative.