
Kuttram Purinthal

Kuttram Purinthal (2023)

UA 115 min - Crime - 24 February 2023
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After a family is killed by mysterious individuals, a man driven by mental anguish takes justice into his own hands. He aims to punish the killers and those who caused them to escape the law.

Director:  Disney


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After a family is killed by mysterious individuals, a man driven by mental anguish takes justice into his own hands. He aims to punish the killers and those who caused them to escape the law.

Collections: Disney

Genres: Crime


Official Website: 
Country:   India
Language:  Tamil
Release Date:  24 February 2023

Box Office

Company Credits

Production Companies:  Amaravathy Film Studios, Uvs Entertainment

Technical Specs

Runtime:  1 h 55 min
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