
Yaanai Mugathaan

Poster for the movie "Yaanai Mugathaan"

Yaanai Mugathaan (2023)

127 min - Comedy, Fantasy - 21 April 2023
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Ganesha, an autorickshaw driver is an ardent devotee of Lord Ganesha. While he is an extremely religious person, he is unscrupulous in his day-to-day life. One day he finds he can't see his favourite God anymore and starts experiencing strange things after the disappearance of an idol at his place.

Director:  Rejishh Midhila
Writers:  Rejishh Midhila


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Ganesha, an autorickshaw driver is an ardent devotee of Lord Ganesha. While he is an extremely religious person, he is unscrupulous in his day-to-day life. One day he finds he can't see his favourite God anymore and starts experiencing strange things after the disappearance of an idol at his place.

Collections: Rejishh Midhila

Genres: Comedy, Fantasy


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Country:   India
Language:  Tamil
Release Date:  21 April 2023

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Runtime:  2 h 07 min
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