
Rebel Moon – Part Two: The Scargiver

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The rebels gear up for battle against the ruthless forces of the Motherworld as unbreakable bonds are forged, heroes emerge — and legends are made.

Collections: Zack Snyder


Official Website:
Language:  English
Release Date:  19 April 2024

Box Office

Budget:  $83,000,000

Company Credits

Production Companies:  The Stone Quarry, Grand Electric

Technical Specs

Runtime:  2 h 03 min
Viewers Rating: 5/5 - (5 votes)

Movie Trailer


Movie OTT

“Rebel Moon – Part Two: The Scargiver” will release on OTT streaming platform on April 19

Movie Review

Rebel Moon — Part Two: The Scargiver is Zack Snyder’s latest addition to his ambitious sci-fi franchise, but if you were hoping for a riveting continuation, you might want to brace yourself for disappointment. Picking up right where the first film left off, this second installment aims to ramp up the stakes, but instead, it finds itself mired in a swamp of clichés, uninspired storytelling, and Snyder’s trademark excesses.

The plot of The Scargiver is painfully predictable, echoing the structure of classic tales like Seven Samurai, Star Wars, and even A Bug’s Life. Our ragtag band of heroes is tasked with training a group of villagers to defend themselves against the evil empire. This setup could have been a rich ground for character development and tension, but instead, it’s bogged down by an utterly baffling focus on wheat harvesting as a central plot point. The idea that a technologically advanced empire needs wheat to sustain itself is never adequately explained, and the rushed training montage strains credibility to its breaking point.

Character development in The Scargiver is a curious paradox: it simultaneously feels overdone and underdeveloped. A prime example is a scene where characters take turns delivering lengthy monologues about their tragic pasts, all boiling down to a singular motivation — the empire is bad. This heavy-handed exposition feels like a lazy attempt to generate empathy and depth, but it falls flat, leaving viewers more bored than invested.

Snyder’s direction, known for its visual flair, takes a nosedive into self-indulgence here. The film is awash in a drab, brown color palette, and Snyder’s love for slow-motion is taken to absurd extremes. Mundane activities like harvesting wheat or filling canteens are given the slow-mo treatment, dragging the film’s pace to a crawl. It’s as if Snyder is parodying his own style, but without the self-awareness to pull it off.

The film’s pacing is another significant issue. The first half drags with tedious setup, while the second half is a relentless barrage of poorly executed action sequences. Even when the action ramps up, it fails to engage. The climactic battle is a chaotic mess of dull characters, excessive slow-motion, and blatant rip-offs of Star Wars iconography. The attempt to create an epic showdown is undermined by a lack of originality and emotional stakes.

Visually, there are fleeting moments of beauty — a testament to Snyder’s potential as a visual director. However, these moments are few and far between, buried under a mountain of overindulgent, unnecessary slow-motion. The promise of longer director’s cuts for both parts of Rebel Moon only adds to the frustration, as it suggests even more of the same, bloated content.

Ultimately, Rebel Moon — Part Two: The Scargiver feels like a squandered opportunity. With more disciplined storytelling and less self-indulgence, it might have been a compelling entry in the sci-fi genre. Instead, it’s a tedious, derivative slog that fails to justify its existence. Watching this film feels like a chore, and by the end, you might find yourself longing for a different cinematic galaxy far, far away.